Welcome to the Journey of a more Radiant YOU!
Where our sacred space awaits you to experience bodywork therapies that are intended to nurture and enhance one’s quality of life.
Come, be still, and rest while we honor the body, mind and spirit together.
*Due to the nature of our services, we book all sessions directly with you, either by phone or email.

Therapeutic Massage
Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork Therapies involves the careful manipulation of the soft tissue structures of the body to prevent and alleviate pain, discomfort, muscle spasm, and stress to promote health and well-being.
Therapeutic Massage improves the functioning of the circulatory, lymphatic, muscular, skeletal and nervous systems. Potentially known to improve the rate at which the body recovers from injury, illness or trauma. This is due to the clinical effects that cause promotion of fluid exchange of blood, lymph and synovial fluids to increase nutrition and oxygenation of the tissue. Reducing hypertonicity in the muscles can establish normal neurologic function of the soft tissue, mobilize restricted joints and promote healthy cartilage while increasing new tissue cells to promote repair and heal the injury, illness or trauma.
Therapeutic Massage is considered to be the maintenance level of self-care to promote wellness of the body, mind and spirit for the entire well-being.

Palliative Massage
Palliative Massage is specialized to clients living with a serious illness, seeking supportive care.
Palliative massage requires lighter pressure, slowing down and listening deeply. Hand holds are extremely calming, especially when the client has severe symptoms.
Attentive touch has physical benefits that include stabilized heart rate, lower blood pressure, endorphin release, a feeling of being cared for, and eased depression, fear and anxiety.
Palliative care requires us to surrender our ambitions and relax into simply being present for another during one's journey.
Our expertise is always secondary to our humanity.
Single Session
60 minutes $110
90 minutes $152
Package of 3
60 minutes $315
90 minutes $430

Tuning Fork Therapy
Tuning Fork Therapy is a very gentle, yet powerful modality to treat the body and mind and restore inner balance and health. It works with the nervous system, the tissues and the more subtle energies of the body. It is deeply relaxing and can offer long-term benefits.
Tuning Fork Therapy is a type of alternative medicine that uses sonic sounds and vibrations to stimulate Qi, encouraging the body’s energy to flow naturally. With the use of tuning forks and the vibrational frequencies, we can target specific areas of the body that feel tense or painful to alleviate symptoms.
Tuning forks improve circulation and can also stimulate mental energy and heighten self-awareness.
Single Session
45 minutes $98
Package of 3
45 minutes $279
Package of 5
45 minutes $465
Single Session
30 minutes $72
60 minutes $110
90 minutes $152
Package of 3
30 minutes $210
60 minutes $315
90 minutes $430

Ear Candling
Ear candling is an alternative approach for removing earwax. It involves placing a lit, hollow candle in your ear to create a low-level vacuum that softens earwax and pulls it out, along with other impurities.
This process is recommended for both ears and takes approximately 30 minutes to complete.
Single Treatment

Boone Professional Center
Here at the Boone Professional Center, we are honored to support several of the High Country’s finest professionals and wellness providers. These businesses are small, independent and local professionals supplying much-needed services to our community. We provide receptionists for our affiliated businesses in order to connect them with clients in need of their unique services. We strive to help our affiliated businesses grow and flourish in their perspective fields. We wish them success and prosperity. We believe that we can be of great help to our community with the variety of services that we offer. Welcome to the Boone Professional Center.
To discover the additional wellness providers, please visit them at